Jan 12, 2022 AppBar

How to add flutter AppBar height?

whenever we need to change the flutter AppBar height of the widget. Initially We need to declare the Appbar widget in the scaffold of the flutter. Firstly We need to declare the appbar widget in the in the file in…

Jan 11, 2022 swiftui

What is swiftui AppStorage property wrapper ?

As apple introduced SwiftUI it also changed the use of Userdefault storage as SwiftUI AppStorage as the property wrapper. SwiftUI provides 2 different types of App state they are Appstorage SceneStorage They are basically used to restore the value with…

Jan 11, 2022 Swift

What are the commonly used design pattern in iOS apps?

What design patterns are commonly utilized  and used in iOS apps? Ans: Design pattern in iOS : Typical commonly used patterns when building iOS applications are people who Apple advocates for in their Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Objective-C, and Swift documentation.…

Dec 24, 2021 iOS

what is mean by ios App Thinning swift

  App Thinning iOS Swift Aspect of App Thinning App Slicing   The first aspect of ios App Thinning swift we are going to discuss is slicing. in step with Apple, “Slicing is that the process of developing and distributing…

Dec 21, 2021 swiftui

SwiftUI or StoryBoard what to choose

Today most of the iOS developer are confused on picking SwiftUI or storyboard. Most of the developer are familiar with Interface builder which is known as storyboard which usually uses the XIB . We hope to give the comparision between…

Dec 20, 2021 iOS

What does application lifecycle in iOS consist of?

 What is life cycle of iOS application? Ans: Application lifecycle in iOS : the most purpose of entry into iOS apps is UIApplicationDelegate. UIApplicationDelegate could be a protocol that your app must implement to induce notified regarding user events like…

Dec 19, 2021 Swift

What are the Access Control in SwiftUI

  What is swift access control? Access control : As Define Access Control in Swift  used to restrict the access the part of the code in other file or module. The feature of access control is to hide the detail…

Dec 16, 2021 Swift

What is Push Notification in swiftUI How does it works

  Push notification in swift using firebase How does it works   An app enables Push Notification in swiftUI. The user has to confirm that he wishes to receive these notifications. The app receives a “device token”. You can think…