Category: Swift
Dec 16, 2021 Swift
What is Push Notification in swiftUI How does it works
Push notification in swift using firebase How does it works An app enables Push Notification in swiftUI. The user has to confirm that he wishes to receive these notifications. The app receives a “device token”. You can think…
Sep 04, 2021 Swift
How to Do Service Call wait until turn on the internet connectivity
Swift Network Service call When internet is turned on ' Today We going to start with as Concept call of network service While internet is turn On. Whenever the user turn Off the internet or wifi is connectivity is…
Aug 24, 2021 Swift
Firebase InstanceID token Deprecated
Firebase InstanceID.instanceID().token() method is deprecated in AppDelegate.swift When we updated the pod file of the firebase InstantID was been depreciated . As the pod file gets updated the appdelegate gives the Capacitor error as No such module 'FirebaseInstanceID' due this can…
Aug 20, 2021 Swift
High Order Functions Swift (Sorted, Map, Filter, Reduce)
High Order Functions Swift : Higher order function are the function which operate on other function by taking the argument or return the function To reduce the complicity in swift, they have introduced Higher order function in swift. Higher order…
Aug 20, 2021 struct and classes
Difference between struct and class in swift – iOS
Structures and Classes in Swift Difference between struct and class in swift : Struct is basically know as value type object where as class is called as reference type object. Struct Struct is the value type object, it is the…
Aug 18, 2021 Swift
how to parse json in swift from URL and file
JSON Parsing from file and URL using swift Today we will start with the parse json in swift. We can host JSON in local as well as URL format. Initially we will start with the local Json. Step1 : Create…
Jun 14, 2021 Swift
How to set up Apple Pay in iOS Xcode
Setup Apple Pay in iOS Xcode Apple Pay tutorial swift 5 set up Apple Pay :Apple Pay is form of payment integration special used in iOS devices especially in iPhone Since making your own NFC payment framework wouldn’t go over excessively well…
May 25, 2021 Swift
Swift code documentation generator with Jazzy
Swift Documentation Generation Table of Content: Terminal Setup Install Ruby Swift code documentation generator Swift code documentation generator :Every programmer is obsessed with programming Documentation. To reduce this problem we can use jazzy Documentation. Swift requires documentation of code Swift…