Category: iOS
May 11, 2024 iOS
How to hide keyboard when using SwiftUI?
In SwiftUI, you can hide the keyboard by resigning the first responder status of the current text field. There are a few ways to accomplish this: 1.Using UIApplication.shared.sendAction(_:to:from:for:): You can use the UIApplication method sendAction(_:to:from:for:) to send the resignFirstResponder action…
May 10, 2024 iOS
Load and navigating to next screen not working when coming back to screen in swiftui
Certainly! It seems like you’re facing an issue with navigation in SwiftUI when coming back from a subsequent screen. Let’s explore some possible solutions to address this problem: NavigationLink Approach: If you’re using NavigationLink to navigate to the next screen, ensure that…
May 09, 2024 iOS
How to make a SwiftUI List scroll automatically?
Certainly! If you want to programmatically make a SwiftUI List move to show a specific row, you can achieve this by embedding the List inside a ScrollViewReader. The ScrollViewReader provides a scrollTo() method on its proxy that allows you to specify the ID of the row you want to scroll…
May 02, 2024 iOS
SwiftUI 2: the way to open view in new window
In SwiftUI 2 and later, you can use the WindowGroup and Window APIs to open views in new windows. This allows you to create multi-window experiences in your SwiftUI app. Here's how you can open a view in a new…
May 01, 2024 iOS
How to scroll List programmatically in SwiftUI?
Certainly! In SwiftUI, if you want to programmatically scroll a List to a specific position, you can use the ScrollViewReader. This provides a scrollTo() method that allows you to move to any row inside the list by providing its ID and optionally an anchor12. Here’s how…
Apr 30, 2024 iOS
Using Auto Layout in UITableView for dynamic cell layouts & variable row heights
Certainly! Auto Layout can be used in UITableView to create dynamic cell layouts with variable row heights. This is particularly useful when the content within the cells varies in length and you want the cells to adjust their height accordingly.…
Apr 30, 2024 iOS
How to get the index of the element in the List in SwiftUI when the List is populated with the array?
Certainly! In SwiftUI, you can use the enumerated() function to get the index when looping through a List. Let’s explore how to achieve this: Suppose you have an array of items that you want to display in a List along with their corresponding indices. Here’s…
Apr 29, 2024 iOS
SwiftUI HStack with Wrap
Explore Certainly! SwiftUI provides an HStack for arranging views horizontally, but if you need to handle overflowing elements by automatically positioning them on the next lines, you might want to explore a custom solution. Here are a few options: WrappingHStack…