Category: iOS
Jan 01, 2025 iOS
DSA Two Pointer Approach
The two-pointer approach is a versatile technique in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) used to optimize problems that involve linear traversal of arrays, lists, or strings. Here's a detailed explanation of when to use it and its applications: When to…
Jul 26, 2024 interview
iOS Developer interview question Auto Layout and Constraints:
Auto Layout and Constraints: - What is Auto Layout, and why is it used in iOS development? Auto Layout is a system used in iOS development to create adaptive user interfaces that can dynamically adjust to different screen sizes, orientations,…
Jul 26, 2024 iOS
iOS Developer interview question Advanced Swift Concepts
Advanced Swift Concepts - Describe the concept of option chaining in Swift. Optional chaining in Swift is a process that allows you to safely access properties, methods, and subscripts on optional types. If the optional contains a value, the property,…
Jul 26, 2024 interview
iOS Swift interview question Variables and Data Types:
Variables and Data Types: 1. Define the `var` and `let` keywords in Swift. In Swift, the var and let keywords are used to declare variables and constants, respectively. These keywords determine whether the value associated with a name can be…
Jul 26, 2024 interview
iOS Developer interview question Advanced Swift Features
Advanced Swift Features: - What are key paths, and how are they used in Swift? Key paths in Swift are a powerful feature that provides a type-safe way to refer to properties of a type. They allow you to access…
Jul 26, 2024 iOS
iOS Developer interview question Error Handling and Optionals
Error Handling and Optionals: - What is the `throws` keyword used for in Swift? In Swift, the throws keyword is used to indicate that a function or method can throw an error. This mechanism allows you to signal that an…
Jul 26, 2024 interview
iOS Developer interview question Closures and Completion Handlers
Closures and Completion Handlers: - What is a closure in Swift, and how is it similar to a function? In Swift, a closure is a self-contained block of code that can be passed around and used in your code. Closures…
Jul 14, 2024 iOS
20 Key Coding Patterns That Will Guide You Through
20 Key Coding Patterns That Will Guide You Through Anyone can master these incredible algorithmic strategies and really excel in coding interviews by using roughly 20 of these coding issue patterns that are compiled here. The idea behind these patterns…