Jan 23, 2022 leadbycode

Steps for software development life cycles (SDLC)

The Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC) is a method for designing, developing, and testing high-quality software in the software industry. The SDLC is designed to deliver high-quality software that meets or exceeds customer expectations and is completed on time and…

Jan 21, 2022 flutter

What is Flutter web ?

Flutter Web :- Although Flutter was primarily focused on developing cross-platform Android and iOS apps, it is no longer limited to developing mobile apps solely. Desktop and online apps are now possible to create using Flutter in web. If you…

Jan 20, 2022 swiftui

Best way to learn swiftUI from Scratch

learn swiftUI from Scratch :SwiftUI, Apple's newest framework, was unveiled at WWDC 19. SwiftUI is an innovative and incredibly simple method to harness the power of Swift to create user experiences for all Apple devices. With only one set of…

Jan 19, 2022 iOS

Intellij IDEA vs Xcode Which IDE is better?

IntelliJ IDEA vs Xcode: What are the distinctions? When looking at IntelliJ IDEA vs Xcode, the Slant people group suggests Xcode for the vast majority. In the question"What are the best IDEs for OSX advancement with limits for understudies?" Xcode…

Jan 16, 2022 flutter

How can we use retrofit in Flutter ?

Welcome to Lead by code .Today we are going to learn abut how to use retrofit in flutter. In retrofit Flutter we need to add the dependency in to the project. Today we will use retrofit flutter to call the…

Jan 14, 2022 Swift

what is iOS swift ?

Every fresher iOS developer has this question what is iOS Swift? . let discuss this topic about the swift Swift is a vigorous and natural programming language made by Apple for raising applications for iOS, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple…

Jan 12, 2022 AppBar

How to add flutter AppBar height?

whenever we need to change the flutter AppBar height of the widget. Initially We need to declare the Appbar widget in the scaffold of the flutter. Firstly We need to declare the appbar widget in the in the file in…

Jan 11, 2022 swiftui

What is swiftui AppStorage property wrapper ?

As apple introduced SwiftUI it also changed the use of Userdefault storage as SwiftUI AppStorage as the property wrapper. SwiftUI provides 2 different types of App state they are Appstorage SceneStorage They are basically used to restore the value with…