Jul 26, 2024 interview

iOS Developer Swift interview question Basics of Swift

Basics of Swift:

1.What is Swift, and what makes it different from Objective-C?

Swift and Objective-C are both programming languages used primarily for developing applications on Apple’s platforms, such as iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Here are the key differences between them:


  1. Modern Syntax and Features: Swift is designed to be more modern and user-friendly than Objective-C. It offers a cleaner and more expressive syntax that is easier to read and write.
  2. Safety: Swift emphasizes safety and aims to eliminate entire categories of common programming errors. For example, it uses optionals to handle the absence of a value, reducing the chances of runtime crashes.
  3. Performance: Swift is designed to be fast. It is compiled into native code and optimized for performance. The language also includes features such as automatic reference counting (ARC) to manage memory more efficiently.
  4. Interoperability: Swift is fully interoperable with Objective-C, allowing developers to use both languages in the same project. This means you can start using Swift in your existing Objective-C projects without having to rewrite everything from scratch.
  5. Playgrounds and REPL: Swift includes Playgrounds, an interactive environment where you can experiment with Swift code and see results immediately. It also has a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) for scripting and quick testing.
  6. Type Inference: Swift has powerful type inference, reducing the need to explicitly declare types. This can make the code more concise and easier to write.


  1. C-Based Language: Objective-C is a superset of the C programming language, which means it includes all the features of C and adds object-oriented capabilities. This makes it more familiar to those with a background in C or C++.
  2. Dynamic Runtime: Objective-C relies heavily on runtime features, such as dynamic typing and message passing. This provides a high degree of flexibility and dynamism, allowing for advanced techniques like method swizzling and dynamic method resolution.
  3. Legacy: Objective-C has been around since the 1980s and has a long history of use in Apple’s ecosystem. Many older codebases and libraries are written in Objective-C, making it an essential skill for maintaining and updating legacy applications.
  4. Verbosity: Objective-C syntax can be more verbose and complex compared to Swift. It uses a different syntax for method calls and includes features like header files and manual memory management (although ARC has simplified memory management in recent years).

Key Differences

  • Syntax: Swift’s syntax is more modern and concise, while Objective-C’s syntax is more verbose and C-like.
  • Safety and Performance: Swift emphasizes safety and performance improvements over Objective-C.
  • Interoperability: Swift can work seamlessly with existing Objective-C code, making it easier to adopt gradually.
  • Type System: Swift has a strong type system with type inference, whereas Objective-C relies more on dynamic typing.
  • Development Tools: Swift provides modern tools like Playgrounds for interactive coding and REPL for scripting, which Objective-C lacks.

Overall, Swift is the preferred language for new development on Apple platforms due to its modern features, safety, and performance advantages. However, Objective-C remains important for maintaining and integrating with existing codebases.

2.Explain the concept of type inference in Swift.

Type inference is a feature in Swift that allows the compiler to automatically deduce the type of a variable or constant based on the value assigned to it. This reduces the need for explicit type annotations, making the code more concise and readable.

How Type Inference Works in Swift

When you assign a value to a variable or constant, the Swift compiler analyzes the value and determines the type. Here are a few examples to illustrate this:

Example 1: Inferring the Type of an Integer

let number = 42

In this example, the compiler infers that number is of type Int because 42 is an integer literal.

Example 2: Inferring the Type of a String

let greeting = "Hello, world!"

Here, the compiler infers that greeting is of type String because the assigned value is a string literal.

Example 3: Inferring the Type of a Double

let pi = 3.14159

In this case, the compiler infers that pi is of type Double because the assigned value is a floating-point literal.

Type Inference in Function Return Types

Swift can also infer the return type of a function based on the value returned by the function:

func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
    return a + b

In this example, the return type of the add function is explicitly declared as Int, but if it were omitted, Swift could still infer it based on the return statement.

Type Inference in Collections

When working with collections like arrays or dictionaries, Swift can infer the type of the elements based on the values assigned:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

The compiler infers that numbers is of type [Int] (an array of integers).

let wordCounts = ["apple": 3, "banana": 2]

The compiler infers that wordCounts is of type [String: Int] (a dictionary with String keys and Int values).

Type Inference and Optionals

Swift can also infer the type of optionals:

let name: String? = "Alice"

Here, the compiler infers that name is of type String? (an optional string).

Benefits of Type Inference

  1. Conciseness: Reduces the need for explicit type declarations, making the code shorter and easier to read.
  2. Readability: By reducing clutter, it makes the code more readable and focuses on the logic rather than type details.
  3. Safety: Ensures type safety by leveraging the compiler’s ability to accurately infer types.

Limitations of Type Inference

While type inference is powerful, there are cases where you might still need to explicitly declare types to avoid ambiguity or to improve code clarity, especially in complex expressions or when the inferred type is not immediately obvious.

In summary, type inference in Swift enhances the developer experience by making the code more concise and readable without sacrificing type safety. The compiler’s ability to deduce types based on context allows developers to write cleaner and more expressive code.

3.How do you declare a constant in Swift, and when would you use it?

In Swift, you declare a constant using the let keyword. A constant is a value that, once set, cannot be changed. You would use a constant when you have a value that should not be modified after it is initially assigned, ensuring the integrity and predictability of your code.

Declaring a Constant

Here is how you declare a constant in Swift:

let constantName = value


Integer Constant: In this example, age is a constant integer with a value of 30. You cannot change age after this initial assignment.

let age = 30

String Constant: Here, greeting is a constant string with the value “Hello, world!”.

let greeting = "Hello, world!"

Constant with Explicit Type Annotation: In this case, pi is a constant of type Double, explicitly annotated.

let pi: Double = 3.14159

When to Use Constants

Fixed Values: Use constants for values that should remain the same throughout the execution of your program. For example, mathematical constants like π (pi), configuration settings, or fixed labels.

let maxNumberOfRetries = 3

Safety: By using constants, you prevent accidental modifications of values that should not change, thus reducing potential bugs.

let apiKey = "12345-ABCDE"

Readability and Intent: Constants make your code more readable and express the intent that certain values are meant to be immutable.

let earthGravity = 9.81 // m/s²

Performance: While the performance difference between constants and variables is usually negligible, using constants can sometimes allow the compiler to optimize your code better.

Example in a Function

func calculateArea(radius: Double) -> Double {   let pi = 3.14159
   return pi * radius * radius

In this function, pi is declared as a constant because the value of π should not change. This ensures that the area calculation is always based on the correct value of π.


Using let to declare constants in Swift is a way to create immutable values, ensuring that certain data in your code remains unchanged. This enhances the safety, readability, and sometimes performance of your programs by preventing unintended modifications and clearly expressing your intent.

4. Discuss the differences between value types and reference types in Swift.

In Swift, types are categorized as either value types or reference types. Understanding the differences between them is crucial for managing data and memory effectively in your applications.

Value Types


  1. Copy on Assignment: When you assign a value type to a variable or constant, or pass it to a function, a copy of the data is created. Each instance has its own unique copy of the data.
  2. Immutable: If you declare a value type as a constant using let, you cannot modify it after its initial assignment.
  3. Stored in Stack: Value types are typically stored in the stack, which makes allocation and deallocation very fast.


  • Structures (structs): Commonly used for creating lightweight data types.
  struct Point {
      var x: Int
      var y: Int

  let pointA = Point(x: 0, y: 0)
  var pointB = pointA // pointB is a copy of pointA
  pointB.x = 10
  // pointA.x is still 0
  • Enumerations (enums): Used to define a group of related values.
  enum CompassDirection {
      case north, south, east, west

  let direction = CompassDirection.north
  • Basic Data Types: Int, Double, Bool, String, Array, Dictionary.

Reference Types


  1. Shared References: When you assign a reference type to a variable or constant, or pass it to a function, you are working with a reference to the same instance. Multiple references can point to the same instance.
  2. Mutable by Default: Reference types can be mutable even if they are assigned to a constant, because the reference itself is constant, not the instance it refers to.
  3. Stored in Heap: Reference types are allocated in the heap, and managing memory is handled via reference counting (ARC – Automatic Reference Counting).


  • Classes: Used for creating more complex data structures with inheritance and reference semantics.
  class Person {
      var name: String

      init(name: String) {
          self.name = name

  let personA = Person(name: "Alice")
  let personB = personA // personB is a reference to the same instance as personA
  personB.name = "Bob"
  // personA.name is now "Bob"
  • Closures: Functions with a captured environment that can be assigned to variables and passed around.

Key Differences

  1. Memory Management:
  • Value Types: Managed by the stack; more efficient for small, simple data types.
  • Reference Types: Managed by the heap and ARC; suitable for complex objects that need to be shared or mutated.
  1. Copy Behavior:
  • Value Types: Each assignment or function call creates a copy.
  • Reference Types: Each assignment or function call shares the same instance.
  1. Mutability:
  • Value Types: Immutable if declared with let; mutable if declared with var.
  • Reference Types: The reference is immutable if declared with let, but the instance’s properties can be mutable.
  1. Use Cases:
  • Value Types: Best for simple data structures that do not require inheritance or shared mutable state (e.g., coordinates, RGB values).
  • Reference Types: Ideal for complex data structures that need to share and modify state across different parts of the application (e.g., user sessions, data models).

Choosing Between Value and Reference Types

  • Use Value Types when:
  • You want to encapsulate simple data and ensure each instance is independent.
  • You prefer immutability and safety against unintended side effects.
  • You are working with data that will be frequently copied or passed around, benefiting from stack allocation.
  • Use Reference Types when:
  • You need to share and mutate state across different parts of your program.
  • You are dealing with complex, interconnected objects that benefit from reference semantics.
  • You require inheritance to model your problem domain.

By understanding these differences and using value and reference types appropriately, you can write more efficient, maintainable, and predictable Swift code.

5.What is type aliasing in Swift, and why might you use it?

In Swift, type aliasing allows you to create a new name for an existing type. This can make your code more readable, expressive, and easier to maintain. A type alias does not create a new type; it simply provides a different name for an existing type.

Declaring a Type Alias

You use the typealias keyword to declare a type alias. The syntax is:

typealias NewName = ExistingType


Simple Type Alias:

typealias AudioSample = UInt16

Here, AudioSample is now a type alias for UInt16. You can use AudioSample wherever you would use UInt16.

let maxAmplitude: AudioSample = 32767

Complex Type Alias:

typealias CompletionHandler = (Bool) -> Void

This creates a type alias for a closure type that takes a Bool and returns Void. You can use CompletionHandler to simplify your function signatures.

func performTask(completion: CompletionHandler) {
    // Perform some task

Why Use Type Aliasing?

  1. Improving Readability: Type aliases can make complex types more readable and easier to understand at a glance.
typealias EmployeeID = Int
typealias ProductID = Int

let employee: EmployeeID = 123
let product: ProductID = 456

In this example, using EmployeeID and ProductID makes the purpose of these integers clearer.

Simplifying Complex Types: When working with complex types like closures or nested collections, type aliases can simplify your code.

typealias StringDictionary = [String: String]

var userSettings: StringDictionary = ["theme": "dark", "fontSize": "large"]

Abstracting Implementation Details: Type aliases can hide the underlying type and provide a layer of abstraction, making future changes easier.

typealias NetworkResult = Result<Data, Error>

func fetchData(completion: (NetworkResult) -> Void) {
    // Fetch data and call completion with NetworkResult

If you decide to change Result<Data, Error> to something else in the future, you only need to update the type alias.

Domain-Specific Naming: You can use type aliases to give types names that are more relevant to your specific domain or context.

typealias Distance = Double
typealias Speed = Double

func calculateTime(distance: Distance, speed: Speed) -> Double {
    return distance / speed

Using Distance and Speed makes the function signature more expressive and meaningful.

Enhancing Code Consistency: Type aliases help ensure consistency across your codebase by providing a single place to define commonly used types.

typealias HTTPHeaders = [String: String]
typealias JSON = [String: Any]

func makeRequest(url: URL, headers: HTTPHeaders, body: JSON) {
    // Make network request


Type aliasing in Swift provides a way to create more readable, maintainable, and expressive code. It allows you to simplify complex types, abstract implementation details, and enhance the clarity of your code by using domain-specific names. By using type aliases appropriately, you can make your codebase easier to understand and manage.