Jul 26, 2024 interview

iOS interview question on ARC and Retain cycle

Memory Management:

– Describe retain cycles in Swift and how to avoid them.

Retain cycles in Swift occur when two or more objects hold strong references to each other, creating a cycle that prevents any of the objects involved from being deallocated. This can lead to memory leaks and increased memory usage, as the objects involved in the cycle are never released, even if they are no longer needed.

How Retain Cycles Occur

Retain cycles usually occur in situations where:

  • Two objects have strong references to each other.
  • A closure or block captures a reference to self, and self also holds a strong reference to the closure.

Example of a Retain Cycle

Consider the following example where a retain cycle is created between a class and a closure:

class MyClass {
    var closure: (() -> Void)?

    func setupClosure() {
        closure = {
            print("Closure is called.")
            // `self` is captured strongly by the closure
            // Retain cycle occurs here

let instance = MyClass()

In this example:

  • MyClass has a property closure that is a closure.
  • Inside setupClosure, the closure captures self strongly.
  • If MyClass instance is not deallocated, the closure still holds a strong reference to it, and vice versa, creating a retain cycle.

How to Avoid Retain Cycles

To avoid retain cycles, you can use weak or unowned references in closures and other situations where objects might reference each other.

1. Use [weak self]

Using [weak self] in a closure allows the closure to capture self weakly. This prevents the closure from creating a strong reference to self, thereby breaking the retain cycle.

class MyClass {
    var closure: (() -> Void)?

    func setupClosure() {
        closure = { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            print("Closure is called.")
            // `self` is captured weakly

let instance = MyClass()

In this example:

  • [weak self] ensures that self is captured weakly, preventing a retain cycle.
  • If self is deallocated, the closure’s reference to self becomes nil, and the cycle is broken.

2. Use [unowned self]

Use [unowned self] if you are sure that self will not be deallocated before the closure is called. This is useful when the closure is guaranteed to be executed only as long as self is alive.

class MyClass {
    var closure: (() -> Void)?

    func setupClosure() {
        closure = { [unowned self] in
            print("Closure is called.")
            // `self` is captured unowned

let instance = MyClass()

In this example:

  • [unowned self] ensures that self is captured unowned, which does not increase the reference count.
  • If self is deallocated, the closure will cause a runtime crash if it tries to access self.

3. Break Retain Cycles in Delegates

Retain cycles can also occur with delegate properties. To avoid this, use weak references for delegate properties:

protocol MyDelegate: AnyObject {
    func didSomething()

class MyClass {
    weak var delegate: MyDelegate?

In this example:

  • The delegate property is declared as weak, avoiding a retain cycle with the delegate object.


  • Retain Cycles: Occur when objects hold strong references to each other, preventing deallocation and causing memory leaks.
  • Common Causes: Strong references in closures and delegate properties.
  • Avoiding Retain Cycles:
  • Use [weak self] in closures to capture self weakly.
  • Use [unowned self] if you are certain self will not be deallocated before the closure is called.
  • Use weak references for delegate properties to avoid cycles.

Understanding and avoiding retain cycles is crucial for managing memory effectively and ensuring that your Swift applications run efficiently without memory leaks.

– What is the purpose of weak and unowned references in Swift?

In Swift, weak and unowned references are used to avoid strong reference cycles, which can cause memory leaks in your applications. Here’s a detailed explanation of both:

Strong References and Retain Cycles

In Swift, objects are reference types, meaning that when one object refers to another, a strong reference is created by default. If two objects hold strong references to each other, they create a strong reference cycle (retain cycle), preventing either from being deallocated, leading to memory leaks.

Weak References

A weak reference does not increase the reference count of the object it refers to. This means the object can still be deallocated even if there are weak references to it. weak references are always optional (nil), because the referenced object can be deallocated, setting the reference to nil.

Use Case

weak references are typically used when there is a possibility that the referenced object might be deallocated during the lifetime of the reference. This is common in scenarios involving delegates or parent-child relationships where the child should not keep the parent alive.


class Person {
    let name: String
    var apartment: Apartment?

    init(name: String) {
        self.name = name

    deinit {
        print("\(name) is being deinitialized")

class Apartment {
    let unit: String
    weak var tenant: Person?

    init(unit: String) {
        self.unit = unit

    deinit {
        print("Apartment \(unit) is being deinitialized")

var john: Person? = Person(name: "John Appleseed")
var unit4A: Apartment? = Apartment(unit: "4A")

john?.apartment = unit4A
unit4A?.tenant = john

john = nil
unit4A = nil

Unowned References

An unowned reference is similar to a weak reference in that it does not increase the reference count of the object it refers to. However, unlike weak, an unowned reference is non-optional. This means you declare that the reference will always have a value during its lifetime. If the object is deallocated and an attempt is made to access an unowned reference, it will cause a runtime crash.

Use Case

unowned references are used when you know that the referenced object will not be deallocated before the reference is accessed. This is common in scenarios involving cycles between objects where one has a longer lifetime than the other.


class Customer {
    let name: String
    var creditCard: CreditCard?

    init(name: String) {
        self.name = name

    deinit {
        print("\(name) is being deinitialized")

class CreditCard {
    let number: UInt64
    unowned let customer: Customer

    init(number: UInt64, customer: Customer) {
        self.number = number
        self.customer = customer

    deinit {
        print("Card #\(number) is being deinitialized")

var john: Customer? = Customer(name: "John Appleseed")
john?.creditCard = CreditCard(number: 1234_5678_9012_3456, customer: john!)

john = nil


  • weak references are optional and are set to nil when the referenced object is deallocated. They are used when the reference can become nil during the lifetime of the reference.
  • unowned references are non-optional and assume the referenced object will not be deallocated while the reference is alive. They are used when the reference is expected to always have a value.

By using weak and unowned references appropriately, you can effectively manage memory and avoid retain cycles in your Swift applications.

– How does Swift handle reference counting for value types?

In Swift, value types and reference types are managed differently in terms of memory and reference counting. Here’s how Swift handles reference counting for value types:

Value Types in Swift

Value types include structures (struct), enumerations (enum), and tuples. These types are copied when assigned to a new variable or passed to a function. Each instance of a value type maintains its own copy of the data.

Key Characteristics of Value Types

  1. Copy-on-Write: Swift uses a technique called “copy-on-write” to optimize memory usage. Initially, value types share the same memory for their data. When a mutation occurs, a copy of the data is made. This ensures efficient memory usage and performance.
  2. No Reference Counting: Unlike reference types, value types do not use reference counting. Instead, they are managed through stack allocation (for small objects) or heap allocation with automatic copying when modifications occur.

Copy-on-Write Optimization

The copy-on-write mechanism helps to avoid unnecessary copies of data until a write operation occurs. This optimization is particularly important for performance and memory efficiency.

Example of Copy-on-Write

struct Person {
    var name: String
    var age: Int

var person1 = Person(name: "Alice", age: 30)
var person2 = person1 // Copy of person1

person2.name = "Bob" // person2 is modified

print(person1.name) // Output: Alice
print(person2.name) // Output: Bob

In this example:

  • person1 and person2 initially share the same data.
  • When person2 is modified, Swift creates a separate copy of the data for person2.
  • person1 remains unaffected because person2 has its own copy of the data.

Reference Types vs. Value Types

  • Reference Types: Managed with reference counting (retain/release). Instances are shared, and multiple references to the same instance can exist.
  • Value Types: Managed with copying semantics. Each instance is unique, and changes to one instance do not affect others.

Value Types and Performance

Value types are often preferred for their performance benefits:

  • Stack Allocation: Small value types (like integers and simple structs) are typically allocated on the stack, which is faster and more efficient.
  • Immutable by Default: Value types are immutable by default, leading to safer and more predictable code.

Example: Struct with Copy-on-Write

Here’s an example of a custom struct with explicit copy-on-write behavior:

class CopyOnWriteArray<T> {
    private var _storage: [T] = []

    private class Storage {
        var array: [T]
        init(array: [T]) {
            self.array = array

    private var storage: Storage {
        get {
            return _storage as? Storage ?? Storage(array: _storage)
        set {
            _storage = newValue.array

    var array: [T] {
        get { storage.array }
        set {
            if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&storage) {
                storage = Storage(array: storage.array)
            storage.array = newValue

In this example:

  • CopyOnWriteArray uses copy-on-write for the internal array.
  • When the array is modified, it creates a new copy if necessary.


  • Value Types: Include structs, enums, and tuples. They are copied on assignment and when passed to functions.
  • Copy-on-Write: Optimizes memory by sharing data until modifications occur.
  • No Reference Counting: Value types do not use reference counting. They are managed through stack allocation or heap allocation with automatic copying.

Swift’s handling of value types through copy-on-write and efficient memory management helps to balance performance and memory efficiency, making value types a powerful feature in Swift programming.

– Explain the concept of reference counting cycles in Swift.

Reference counting cycles, also known as retain cycles, occur when two or more objects reference each other in a way that creates a cycle, preventing any of the objects from being deallocated. This can lead to memory leaks, where memory is used but not released because the objects involved in the cycle are kept alive.

How Reference Counting Works

Swift uses Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) to manage the memory of reference types (classes). ARC keeps track of the number of strong references to an instance. When the reference count drops to zero, the instance is deallocated.

Reference Counting Example

class Person {
    var name: String
    init(name: String) {
        self.name = name

var person1: Person? = Person(name: "Alice")
var person2: Person? = person1

print(person1 === person2) // true

In this example:

  • person1 and person2 both refer to the same Person instance.
  • The reference count of the Person instance is 2.
  • When both person1 and person2 are set to nil, the reference count drops to 0, and the Person instance is deallocated.

Reference Counting Cycles

A retain cycle occurs when objects hold strong references to each other, creating a cycle. For example:

class A {
    var b: B?

class B {
    var a: A?

var objectA: A? = A()
var objectB: B? = B()

objectA?.b = objectB
objectB?.a = objectA

In this example:

  • objectA has a strong reference to objectB.
  • objectB has a strong reference to objectA.
  • This creates a retain cycle because objectA and objectB keep each other alive, even if they are no longer needed.

How to Avoid Reference Counting Cycles

To prevent retain cycles, you need to use weak or unowned references in cases where you might have a cycle. These references do not increase the reference count, thus breaking the cycle.

Using weak References

A weak reference does not increase the reference count of the object. It is automatically set to nil when the referenced object is deallocated.

class A {
    weak var b: B?

class B {
    var a: A?

var objectA: A? = A()
var objectB: B? = B()

objectA?.b = objectB
objectB?.a = objectA

In this example:

  • b in A is a weak reference to B.
  • If objectA and objectB are deallocated, the weak reference to objectB in A will be set to nil, breaking the retain cycle.

Using unowned References

An unowned reference is similar to a weak reference but assumes that the reference will never become nil while it is being used. It is used when you are sure the referenced object will not be deallocated before the referencing object.

class A {
    unowned var b: B
    init(b: B) {
        self.b = b

class B {
    var a: A?

var objectB: B? = B()
var objectA: A? = A(b: objectB!)

objectB?.a = objectA

In this example:

  • b in A is an unowned reference to B.
  • If objectB is deallocated, the unowned reference will cause a runtime crash if accessed.

Best Practices

  • Use weak for Delegates: Typically used for delegate properties to prevent retain cycles.
  • Use unowned When Safe: When you are confident that the referenced object will outlive the reference, use unowned to avoid the overhead of weak references.
  • Inspect for Cycles: Regularly check for potential retain cycles in your code, especially when dealing with closures and complex object graphs.


  • Reference Counting Cycles: Occur when objects reference each other strongly, preventing deallocation and causing memory leaks.
  • Weak References: Break retain cycles by not increasing reference counts and being automatically set to nil when the object is deallocated.
  • Unowned References: Break cycles without increasing reference counts but assume the reference will always be valid while used.
  • Best Practices: Use weak for delegates and unowned when the referenced object will always be alive.

Understanding and managing reference counting cycles is crucial for effective memory management and ensuring that your Swift applications run efficiently without memory leaks.

– Discuss the differences between ARC and garbage collection.

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) and garbage collection are two memory management techniques used in programming languages to manage the lifecycle of objects and free up memory that is no longer needed. Here are the key differences between ARC and garbage collection:

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)

How It Works

  • Compile-Time: ARC is implemented at compile time, meaning the compiler inserts reference counting operations (retain, release) automatically into the code.
  • Reference Counting: Each object has a reference count. When a new reference to an object is created, the count is incremented. When a reference is destroyed, the count is decremented. When the count reaches zero, the object is deallocated.
  • Deterministic: ARC provides deterministic destruction of objects. You know exactly when an object will be deallocated, as it happens immediately when the reference count drops to zero.


  • Performance: Since ARC is deterministic, there is no unpredictable pause in execution for garbage collection.
  • Predictability: Objects are deallocated as soon as they are no longer needed, which can help with managing limited resources like file handles or network connections.
  • Simplicity for Developers: Developers don’t need to manually manage memory, reducing the risk of memory leaks and dangling pointers.


  • Cyclic References: ARC can’t automatically handle cyclic references (retain cycles), where two objects reference each other, preventing their deallocation. Developers need to use weak or unowned references to break these cycles.
  • Less Flexibility: ARC is less flexible in terms of runtime memory management compared to garbage collection.

Garbage Collection

How It Works

  • Runtime: Garbage collection (GC) is performed at runtime by a garbage collector, a separate process or thread that periodically scans memory to identify and free unused objects.
  • Reachability: GC determines which objects are still reachable (i.e., can be accessed by running code). Unreachable objects are considered garbage and are collected.
  • Non-Deterministic: GC is non-deterministic; objects are deallocated at some point after they become unreachable, not immediately.


  • Ease of Use: Developers don’t need to worry about memory management, including cyclic references, as the garbage collector handles it.
  • Complex Data Structures: GC can handle more complex data structures with cyclic references without additional effort from the developer.


  • Performance Overhead: Garbage collection can introduce performance overhead. The application may experience pauses or slowdowns when the garbage collector runs.
  • Non-Deterministic Destruction: Since the timing of object deallocation is unpredictable, resource management (e.g., closing files or network connections) can be more complex.
  • Increased Memory Usage: There can be a higher memory footprint as objects are not deallocated immediately when they become unreachable.


Aspect ARC Garbage Collection
Implementation Compile-time, reference counting Runtime, reachability analysis
Determinism Deterministic (immediate deallocation) Non-deterministic (periodic collection)
Performance Generally more predictable Can introduce pauses
Cyclic References Requires manual handling (weak/unowned refs) Automatically handled
Resource Management Easier for managing resources Can be more complex
Ease of Use Simple, but requires careful management of references Easier, no need to manage memory manually


Both ARC and garbage collection aim to automate memory management and reduce developer errors. ARC provides deterministic, immediate deallocation of objects, leading to more predictable performance but requires careful handling of cyclic references. Garbage collection, on the other hand, offers ease of use and can handle complex object graphs but introduces non-deterministic deallocation and potential performance overhead due to periodic garbage collection cycles. The choice between ARC and garbage collection depends on the specific needs and constraints of the programming environment and application being developed.