Jul 26, 2024 iOS

iOS Developer interview question Error Handling and Optionals

Error Handling and Optionals:

– What is the `throws` keyword used for in Swift?

In Swift, the throws keyword is used to indicate that a function or method can throw an error. This mechanism allows you to signal that an error might occur during the execution of a function, and it provides a way to handle errors gracefully through error handling constructs.

Key Concepts of throws

1. Function Declaration

When you declare a function that can throw an error, you use the throws keyword in the function signature:

func someFunction() throws {
    // Function implementation

2. Throwing an Error

Within a throws function, you use the throw statement to throw an error:

enum MyError: Error {
    case somethingWentWrong

func someFunction() throws {
    // Some code
    throw MyError.somethingWentWrong

3. Calling a Throwing Function

When you call a function that can throw an error, you must handle the error using a do-catch block, or propagate the error using the try keyword:

do {
    try someFunction()
} catch {
    print("An error occurred: \(error)")

Alternatively, if you want to propagate the error further up the call stack, you can use try without a do-catch block, but the calling function must also be marked with throws:

func anotherFunction() throws {
    try someFunction()

Error Handling with throws

1. Defining Errors

Errors in Swift are represented by types that conform to the Error protocol. Typically, you define an enumeration that conforms to Error:

enum NetworkError: Error {
    case badURL
    case requestFailed
    case unknown

2. Throwing Errors

Inside a throws function, you can throw an error using the throw keyword:

func fetchData(from url: String) throws -> Data {
    guard url == "validURL" else {
        throw NetworkError.badURL

    // Simulate fetching data
    if Bool.random() {
        return Data()
    } else {
        throw NetworkError.requestFailed

3. Handling Errors

When calling a throwing function, you handle errors using a do-catch block:

do {
    let data = try fetchData(from: "invalidURL")
    print("Data fetched successfully: \(data)")
} catch NetworkError.badURL {
    print("Invalid URL provided.")
} catch NetworkError.requestFailed {
    print("Failed to fetch data.")
} catch {
    print("An unknown error occurred: \(error).")

4. Optional try? and Forced try!

You can use try? to convert the result to an optional, which will be nil if an error is thrown:

if let data = try? fetchData(from: "validURL") {
    print("Data fetched successfully: \(data)")
} else {
    print("Failed to fetch data.")

You can use try! to forcefully execute a throwing function, which will crash the program if an error is thrown:

let data = try! fetchData(from: "validURL")
print("Data fetched successfully: \(data)")


  • throws Keyword: Indicates that a function can throw an error.
  • Error Types: Defined by conforming to the Error protocol, typically using an enum.
  • Throwing an Error: Use the throw statement within a throws function to signal an error.
  • Handling Errors: Use do-catch blocks to handle errors when calling a throwing function.
  • Optional Handling: Use try? to handle errors by converting results to optionals.
  • Forced Handling: Use try! to force the execution of a throwing function, causing a runtime crash if an error occurs.

Using the throws keyword and error handling mechanisms in Swift allows you to write robust and error-resilient code by explicitly managing and responding to potential errors.

– How do you catch and handle errors in Swift using `do-catch` blocks?

In Swift, error handling is done using do-catch blocks along with the throws keyword. This mechanism allows you to gracefully handle errors that might occur during the execution of your code. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to catch and handle errors in Swift using do-catch blocks.

Defining and Throwing Errors

In Swift, you define errors by conforming to the Error protocol. Errors are then thrown using the throw keyword.

enum NetworkError: Error {
    case badURL
    case requestFailed
    case unknown

You can throw errors from a function or method by marking it with the throws keyword.

func fetchData(from url: String) throws -> String {
    guard url == "https://valid.url" else {
        throw NetworkError.badURL

    // Simulate a failed request
    throw NetworkError.requestFailed

Catching and Handling Errors

You use a do-catch block to catch and handle errors. Here’s the general structure:

do {
    // Try to call a function that can throw an error
    let data = try fetchData(from: "https://invalid.url")
    print("Data received: \(data)")
} catch NetworkError.badURL {
    print("Invalid URL.")
} catch NetworkError.requestFailed {
    print("Request failed.")
} catch {
    print("An unknown error occurred: \(error).")


  1. do Block: The code that might throw an error is placed inside the do block.
  2. try Keyword: The try keyword is used before calling a function that can throw an error.
  3. catch Blocks: Each catch block handles a specific error. The final catch block can handle any error not caught by previous catch blocks.

Example in Practice

Here’s a complete example demonstrating error handling in Swift:

enum FileError: Error {
    case fileNotFound
    case unreadable
    case encodingFailed

func readFile(at path: String) throws -> String {
    guard path == "/valid/path" else {
        throw FileError.fileNotFound

    // Simulate an unreadable file
    throw FileError.unreadable

do {
    let fileContents = try readFile(at: "/invalid/path")
    print("File contents: \(fileContents)")
} catch FileError.fileNotFound {
    print("File not found.")
} catch FileError.unreadable {
    print("File is unreadable.")
} catch FileError.encodingFailed {
    print("File encoding failed.")
} catch {
    print("An unknown error occurred: \(error).")

Using try? and try!

  • try?: Converts the result to an optional. If an error is thrown, it returns nil.
  if let data = try? fetchData(from: "https://invalid.url") {
      print("Data received: \(data)")
  } else {
      print("Failed to fetch data.")
  • try!: Assumes that no error will be thrown and crashes if an error occurs. Use this only when you are sure that the error will not be thrown.
  let data = try! fetchData(from: "https://valid.url")
  print("Data received: \(data)")

Rethrowing Errors

Functions that take a throwing closure as a parameter and want to rethrow the error use the rethrows keyword.

func performOperation(_ operation: () throws -> Void) rethrows {
    try operation()

do {
    try performOperation {
        throw NetworkError.badURL
} catch {
    print("Caught an error: \(error)")


Error handling in Swift using do-catch blocks provides a structured way to manage errors, making your code more robust and readable. By defining errors, throwing them, and then catching and handling them appropriately, you can manage exceptional conditions gracefully and ensure your application can recover from or report errors effectively.

– Explain the concept of optional chaining in error handling.

Optional chaining in Swift is a powerful feature that allows you to safely query and call properties, methods, and subscripts on optional types. It provides a streamlined way to handle the presence or absence of a value and avoid runtime crashes caused by nil values. When combined with error handling, optional chaining enhances the robustness and readability of your code by gracefully dealing with potential failures.

Optional Chaining Overview

Optional chaining is a process that queries and calls properties, methods, and subscripts on an optional that might currently be nil. If the optional contains a value, the call succeeds and returns the unwrapped value; if the optional is nil, the call returns nil and prevents further execution of the chain.


The syntax for optional chaining uses the question mark (?) after the optional value:


Example of Optional Chaining

Consider the following example with a class hierarchy:

class Person {
    var residence: Residence?

class Residence {
    var address: Address?

class Address {
    var street: String?

let john = Person()

Accessing Properties with Optional Chaining

To safely access the street property of John’s address, you can use optional chaining:

if let street = john.residence?.address?.street {
    print("John's street is \(street).")
} else {
    print("Unable to retrieve the street.")

In this example:

  • If john.residence is nil, the entire expression returns nil, and the else clause is executed.
  • If john.residence is not nil but john.residence?.address is nil, the else clause is also executed.
  • If both john.residence and john.residence?.address are not nil but john.residence?.address?.street is nil, the else clause is again executed.

Optional Chaining with Methods and Subscripts

Optional chaining can be used with methods and subscripts as well:

class Room {
    let name: String
    init(name: String) {
        self.name = name

class Residence {
    var rooms = [Room]()
    var numberOfRooms: Int {
        return rooms.count

    subscript(i: Int) -> Room? {
        get {
            return rooms.indices.contains(i) ? rooms[i] : nil
        set {
            if let newRoom = newValue, rooms.indices.contains(i) {
                rooms[i] = newRoom

    func printNumberOfRooms() {
        print("The number of rooms is \(numberOfRooms)")

let johnResidence = Residence()
john.residence = johnResidence
john.residence?.rooms.append(Room(name: "Living Room"))
john.residence?.printNumberOfRooms() // The number of rooms is 1

Combining Optional Chaining with Error Handling

Although optional chaining and error handling are distinct concepts, they can complement each other in scenarios where both optional values and potential errors must be managed. Optional chaining simplifies accessing potentially nil values, while error handling manages exceptions thrown during execution.

Example with Optional Chaining and Error Handling

enum NetworkError: Error {
    case invalidURL
    case noData

struct Response {
    var data: String?

func fetchData(from url: String) throws -> Response? {
    guard url == "validURL" else {
        throw NetworkError.invalidURL
    // Simulate a response
    return Response(data: "Fetched data")

let response = try? fetchData(from: "validURL")
let data = response?.data ?? "No data available"
print(data) // Prints "Fetched data"

In this example:

  • fetchData is a throwing function that returns an optional Response.
  • try? converts the throwing function into an optional, resulting in nil if an error is thrown.
  • Optional chaining is used to access the data property of the Response.


  • Optional Chaining: Safely access properties, methods, and subscripts of optional values, returning nil if any part of the chain is nil.
  • Syntax: Use the ? operator to perform optional chaining.
  • Example Use Cases: Accessing nested properties, calling methods, and using subscripts on optionals.
  • Combining with Error Handling: Use try? to convert throwing functions into optionals and combine with optional chaining to manage both nil values and errors gracefully.

Optional chaining simplifies handling optional values and improves code readability, making it a valuable feature in Swift for writing safe and robust code.

– What is the `try?` keyword, and how does it differ from `try!`?

The try? and try! keywords in Swift are used to handle errors thrown by functions that are marked with the throws keyword. Both keywords provide different ways to handle the potential for errors in a more concise manner than a full do-catch block.


The try? keyword is used to convert the result of a throwing expression into an optional value. If the expression throws an error, try? returns nil. If the expression succeeds, it returns an optional containing the value.


  • Converts to Optional: The result is an optional type. If the function throws an error, the result is nil.
  • No Error Propagation: The error is silently caught and not propagated.


enum NetworkError: Error {
    case badURL

func fetchData(from url: String) throws -> String {
    guard url == "https://valid.url" else {
        throw NetworkError.badURL
    return "Data from \(url)"

let data = try? fetchData(from: "https://invalid.url")

if let data = data {
    print("Data received: \(data)")
} else {
    print("Failed to fetch data.")
// Output: Failed to fetch data.


The try! keyword is used to assert that a throwing expression will not throw an error at runtime. If the expression does throw an error, the program will crash.


  • Forces Success: It assumes the function will not throw an error. If it does, a runtime error occurs, and the program crashes.
  • No Optional Handling: The result is the unwrapped value directly, not an optional.


let data = try! fetchData(from: "https://valid.url")
print("Data received: \(data)")
// Output: Data received: Data from https://valid.url

Using try! is only safe when you are certain that the function will not throw an error, such as when the input is known to be valid and guaranteed to succeed.

Key Differences

  • Error Handling:
  • try?: Silently handles errors by returning nil if an error is thrown.
  • try!: Forces the code to assume no error will be thrown and crashes if an error occurs.
  • Result Type:
  • try?: Returns an optional value, which can be nil if an error is thrown.
  • try!: Returns the unwrapped result directly and will crash on error.

When to Use

  • try?: Use when you want to handle potential errors gracefully and treat the result as optional. It’s useful when you want to proceed with a default action if the operation fails.
  if let data = try? fetchData(from: "https://valid.url") {
      print("Data received: \(data)")
  } else {
      print("Failed to fetch data.")
  • try!: Use when you are certain that the operation will not fail. It is suitable for scenarios where you have validated the inputs and are confident that no error will be thrown.
  let data = try! fetchData(from: "https://valid.url")
  print("Data received: \(data)")


  • try? safely converts the result of a throwing expression to an optional, returning nil if an error occurs.
  • try! asserts that the throwing expression will not fail, causing a runtime crash if an error is thrown.

Choosing between try? and try! depends on the context of your code and how you want to handle potential errors. Use try? for safer, optional handling and try! for situations where failure is not an option and can be handled through validation or certainty of success.

– How would you implement custom error types in Swift?

In Swift, you can implement custom error types by defining your own types that conform to the Error protocol. This allows you to create meaningful and descriptive error cases that are specific to your application’s domain. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to implement custom error types in Swift:

Defining a Custom Error Type

The most common way to define a custom error type is to use an enumeration (enum), although you can also use a struct or class. Enumerations are preferred because they allow you to define a set of related error cases.

Example 1: Using an Enumeration

  1. Define the Custom Error Type
enum NetworkError: Error {
    case invalidURL
    case noInternetConnection
    case requestFailed(description: String)
    case unknown

In this example, NetworkError is an enumeration that conforms to the Error protocol and defines various error cases.

  1. Throwing a Custom Error
func fetchData(from urlString: String) throws {
    guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else {
        throw NetworkError.invalidURL

    // Simulate a network failure
    let hasInternetConnection = false
    if !hasInternetConnection {
        throw NetworkError.noInternetConnection

    // Simulate a request failure
    let requestSuccess = false
    if !requestSuccess {
        throw NetworkError.requestFailed(description: "The server returned an error.")

    // Simulate successful data fetching
    print("Data fetched successfully from \(url).")

In this function, different error cases are thrown based on the conditions.

  1. Handling a Custom Error
do {
    try fetchData(from: "invalid-url")
} catch NetworkError.invalidURL {
    print("Invalid URL provided.")
} catch NetworkError.noInternetConnection {
    print("No internet connection.")
} catch NetworkError.requestFailed(let description) {
    print("Request failed: \(description)")
} catch {
    print("An unknown error occurred: \(error).")

In this example, the do-catch block handles different error cases separately, providing specific responses for each.

Using Structs or Classes for Custom Errors

While less common, you can also use structs or classes to define custom error types. This can be useful if you need more complex error objects.

Example 2: Using a Struct

  1. Define the Custom Error Type
struct FileError: Error {
    let fileName: String
    let reason: String
  1. Throwing a Custom Error
func readFile(named fileName: String) throws {
    // Simulate a file read error
    throw FileError(fileName: fileName, reason: "File not found")
  1. Handling a Custom Error
do {
    try readFile(named: "example.txt")
} catch let error as FileError {
    print("Failed to read file \(error.fileName): \(error.reason)")
} catch {
    print("An unknown error occurred: \(error).")

Adding Descriptive Information

For better error messages and debugging, you can add computed properties or methods to your custom error types.

Example 3: Adding Descriptions

  1. Define the Custom Error Type
enum DatabaseError: Error {
    case connectionFailed
    case recordNotFound(id: Int)
    case invalidQuery(description: String)

    var localizedDescription: String {
        switch self {
        case .connectionFailed:
            return "Failed to connect to the database."
        case .recordNotFound(let id):
            return "Record with ID \(id) was not found."
        case .invalidQuery(let description):
            return "Invalid query: \(description)"
  1. Using the Descriptive Information
func fetchRecord(by id: Int) throws {
    // Simulate a record not found error
    throw DatabaseError.recordNotFound(id: id)

do {
    try fetchRecord(by: 123)
} catch let error as DatabaseError {
    print("Database error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} catch {
    print("An unknown error occurred: \(error).")


  • Define Custom Error Types: Use enumerations, structs, or classes that conform to the Error protocol to create custom error types.
  • Throw Custom Errors: Use the throw statement within functions to signal errors.
  • Handle Custom Errors: Use do-catch blocks to handle specific error cases.
  • Add Descriptive Information: Enhance your custom error types with computed properties or methods to provide more detailed error messages.

By defining custom error types, you can create more expressive, meaningful, and context-specific error handling in your Swift applications.